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The Human Turbine

Directed by: Danny Bertha
60 Minutes, 2010, Documentary; Other Israel Film Festival

The Human Turbine is the story of an exciting encounter between Jewish academics Palestinian shepherds Susiya population – refugees deported three times already. Noam Dotan, child prodigy – a genius physicist and high tech; Uri Pinkerfeld, the Land of Israel and former senior government job; Ehud, Dr. history and Bible; Ariela, taking care of her profession – all adults, supervised illusions, political ideology great hope.

Every one of these individuals chose to give up the pleasures of life, a senior academic status, rank and promotion management positions. by joining forces chose to channel the knowledge, ingenuity and dreams, and harness the wind and the sun for renewable energy project in Susya, a project that aims to supply electricity to the residents who live without electricity in tents and caves. one after another It’s coming on The lights in tents, lighting and other life options bring the greatest light – milking Institute Susiya open to residents of new livelihoods, and economic independence.


Director: Danny Bertha

Cast: Noam Dotan

Cast: Uri Pinkerfeld

Writer: Danny Bertha

Writer: Sarit Hiymian

Editor: Sarah Solomon
