
Shades of Light

Laila keeps her talent and aspiration a secret from Ziad, her traditional, hard-working husband. But one day, her secret unravels, threatening their relationship.

Burning Memories

Garry, a reserve soldier who survived war in Lebanon. He undergoes group therapy with other shell shocked soldiers.After three exhausting weeks of therapy,Garry returns home to face his memories alone.

Buskila Twins

A comedy of errors that takes place between Paris and Eilat, and tells the story of twin brothers who have not met for 20 years: Papi, a gay fashion designer dating a deserter from the Israeli Army, and Max, his plumber brother who lives the simple family life in Eilat. A lawyer shows up one day to offer a $40 million dollar inheritance if both brothers meet the sole condition of having three children each.

Crazy Weekend

Noga is mistakenly told she doesn’t have long to live, and decides to commit suicide from a high floor of a hotel. She is not aware of the fact that she is being followed by a private investigator, hired by Noga’s mother to track her dead husband’s fortune. At the hotel we meet a number of characters, each has a story or secret to result in humorous situations and wrong identifications.


A group of children embrace an eccentric old man, and working together, build a ship on a rooftop.

Coffee with Lemon

Valerie,a famous actor from Moscow immigrates to Israel with his family, hoping to succeed in Israel. When he can not bridge the cultural gap, and finds himself secluded.When he returns to Moscow, he finds out that his friends are no longer there for him.

Eddie King

Eddie is an unemployed actor who gets into trouble with a group of mobsters after falling for Yulia.

Escape to the Sun

Two young university students wish to escape the oppressive Soviet Union. But their plans are monitored by the KGB, who try to intimidate them. One of them is taken into custody and tortured, which spurs them to make an escape attempt that could cost them their lives.

Fish, Football and Girls

The story of the Suramlaloo family, through which we are introduced to a variety of characters living in a Tel Aviv Neighborhood; Jacko is the oldest, who has only daughters and await a birth of a boy, Reckless Gavriel, Mazal who is married to unemployed Mr. Polyakovski, and good for nothing Rosa who lives with a man without marrying him.