
Aviva My Love poster

Aviva My Love

Between struggling to keep up with orders in the kitchen, tending to the quirky wrongdoings of her three children, and acknowledging the multiple suicide threats made by her unstable mother, aspiring writer Aviva Cohen (Assi Levy) barely has enough time to take the cap off of her pen—much less put that pen to paper and get her stories published.

When Aviva’s successful sister Anita (Rotem Abuhav) introduces her star-struck sibling to famous author Oded Zar (Sasson Gabai), it appears as if things may be finally turning around for the hapless literary wannabe. Unfortunately for Aviva, Oded is suffering from a bad case of writer’s block. Soon after accepting Oded’s offer to serve as her personal writing tutor, Aviva begins to realize that the man whom she once idolized and who deviously assumed the guise of benevolent mentor is little more than a creatively devoid plagiarist.